2022 Gallery
Miss Joker's Casino
Scott Raney assigning duties for the weekend in Tri-Cities
Crew setting up the Miss Joker's Casino for testing
Getting the last of the graphics on
Early morning in Tri-Cities
Jamie out testing the Miss Joker's Casino
Jamie heading to the dock
Randy Roe inspecting prop shaft
Ben Dowell talking Jamie to the starting line on time
Ken Jr, Sam and Ken swapping the turbine
Ben Dowell and Brian Benke working on canard linkage system
Lee Langley closing up hatches
Jamie coming out of turn 2
Crew working at sunset
Jamie accepting the 3rd place trophy for the Miss Joker's Casino race team
Miss The Old Cannery Furniture Warehouse pulling into pits at Seattle
Brandon Crouse holds umbrella to keep driver cool on dock and in cockpit
PK fueling the boat
Fynn Peterson getting a pep talk from Scott Raney before J-Hydro racing
Fynn Peterson ready to go
Jamie racing into turn 1 at Seafair
Jamie flying the Miss The Old Cannery Furniture Warehouse down the front stretch
Crew replacing gears in gear box
Jamie in his office
Jamie testing
Jamie being interview after heat run
Jamie getting a refreshment curiosity of our Pepsi sponsor after a run
Jamie deck to deck heading into turn 1
Shannon Raney and the Seafair Pirates
Scott, Shannon and Jamie debrief after a run
Early morning setting boat up to run
U-11 going into water
Down the front stretch
Jamie signing autographs
Into turn 1
U-11 Legend Yacht Transport ready for San Diego
Opening Ceremonies
Early Morning Driver's Meeting
Deck to Deck into turn 2
Safety crew learning about the U-11
PK holding the tail of the boat at dock
Crew getting Jamie strapped in
Jamie flying down the backstretch
Jamie doing an S-curve to shave time
Almost ready to go
Legend Yacht Transport ready for final
The Raney Gals
Shannon catches up with Legend Yacht Transport's Dave Holley
Sam and Ken strapping Jamie in
Jamie heading back to dock
Down the backstretch
Jamie getting ready to go
Four boats deck to deck on lap 1
Legend Yacht Transport flies into turn 2
Ben Dowell and Bill Moore taking skid fin off